Weighing up cash deposits

Weighing up cash deposits

Cash in a deposit account doesn’t necessarily equate to safety. That’s why many investors are shifting to fixed interest securities. By any measurement, $2.8 trillion is a lot of money. Expressed another way, it’s $2,800 billion. And it’s also the amount of money – according to Australian Prudential Regulation Authority data from January 2023 – … Read more

Crackdown on GST fraud

Crackdown on GST fraud

The ATO is cracking down hard on GST frauds after finding a significant number of taxpayers falsely claiming GST refunds. The Serious Financial Crime Taskforce and Australian Federal Police (AFP) have executed numerous warrants against suspects, with a GST fraudster recently jailed for three years. The ATO has warned it has zero tolerance for these … Read more

​5 essential investment property strategies

5 essential investment property strategies

Buying your first investment property can be a bold step towards a more prosperous and secure future. But it also poses risks. The Successful Investor’s Michael Sloan outlines five strategies to help you take the right path. My 5 essential investment property tips 1. Equity Most people use the equity from their home to help … Read more

What is portfolio rebalancing?

What is portfolio rebalancing

Just like your car needs a periodic service to stay in tune, here’s why you should rebalance your portfolio from time to time. A portfolio’s asset allocation reflects an investor’s goals and temperament—the need for return as well as the ability to withstand market turbulence. Over time, market fluctuations can affect your asset allocation weightings … Read more

Three simple steps for financial wellness

Three simple steps for financial wellness

If money’s too tight to mention, here’s some small steps that can make a big difference in achieving your financial goals. How would you rate your level of financial wellness? Do you think you’re in a good position to meet your immediate and near-term financial obligations? What about your long-term goals? They’re tough questions, asked … Read more

Smart money hacks

Smart Money Hacks new

Developing good saving habits are an important part of life that can support you towards the home ownership journey but it can be tough to know where to start. Here’s some small changes you can implement as part of your everyday routine that quickly add up in the long-term. 1 Track where you are spending … Read more

Four steps to plan for a better retirement

Four steps to plan for a better retirement

Here is a practical approach to creating a retirement plan that will help enable financial peace of mind. Many investors concentrate on building their nest egg during their working lives to pay or help pay for their retirement but fail to give enough attention to planning for a retirement that may last 25 years or … Read more

Understand the insurance claims process

Understand the insurance claims process

It’s easier to make a claim on your life insurance if you gather the right information for your insurer. Who to contact to make a claim To make a claim on your insurance, speak to the person or company you bought the policy from.   If you bought insurance through:  an insurer — contact the insurance company  … Read more

How to spot and stop financial abuse

How to spot and stop financial abuse

Until recently, financial abuse was often kept secret, especially where it occurred within the family. Thankfully that’s changing with public awareness campaigns and help becoming more readily available. The emotional and economic damage caused by financial abuse can be far reaching and devastating. A recent Australian report calculates that in 2020 alone, financial abuse victims … Read more

Sustainable investing on the rise

Sustainable investing on the rise

 Sustainable investing is not new, but in recent years it’s moved from the green fringes into the mainstream. From climate change to animal rights and gender diversity, more people are interested in aligning their money with their values. Last year alone, Australia’s sustainable investment market increased 20 per cent to a record $1.5 trillion. According … Read more

The cost of refinancing

The cost of refinancing

Refinancing can be a great way to save money if you believe you are paying too much for your loan, but there is more to it than just finding a loan with a lower interest rate and making the change. Before making the switch, ensure the savings you could make outweigh the fees involved. Here … Read more

Why superannuation fund fees matter

Why superannuation fund fees matter

The fees you pay on your super could have a material impact on how you retire, which is why it’s important to understand how they work. A quick internet search of the term “super fees” turned up other questions people ask, including “what fees are charged on superannuation?”, “do all super (funds) have fees?” and … Read more