Common Questions clients ask about Virtual Financial Planning

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In many respects, the questions that you would ask of a virtual advisor are the same ones that you would ask of an advisor with whom you would work with in person about Financial Planning.

  • Have you worked with clients whose circumstances are similar to mine?
    • Having been a Certified Financial Planner for 20 years I have seen and helped many people.
    • We will discuss your individual needs in our initial Financial Planning meeting.
    • If some reason I can’t help you I will let you know.
  • What services do you offer? This might include financial planning, investment advice, etc.
    • We provide a broad range of financial planning solutions and if we can’t help you we can refer you to a specialist who may be able to.
    • Most of our clients require advice around insurance, superannuation, investments, retirement, age pension and aged care.
  • What are your fees and what are they based upon?
    • We provide a free initial meeting for us to get to know you and your goals, ands for you to decide if we are the right match for your Financial Planning needs.
    • From here you can continue to work with us and have a plan completed or consider alternatives.
    • At this stage we will provide you a quote based on the work building a plan for you which relates to the time and complexity to complete.
    • Plans range from $1,650 to $5,500.
    • We can also look at stand alone modules for budgeting and cashflow and general financial coaching based on $275 per hour.
  • What is your experience and background as an advisor? What certifications do you hold?
  • How often would we meet?
    • We can agree on a timeframe to complete reviews. Most clients like to review their portfolio annually and some half yearly but we can tailor that to your need and budget.
  • How would our meetings work? What types of technology are involved?
    • Meetings are usually conducted by Zoom on your computer or over the phone.
    • Follow up can be phone calls, emails, texts or zoom if needed.
    • Appointments can be booked with a call or email.
    • Documents can be scanned between ourselves
    • As a last resort we can use Australia Post.
  • How often should I expect to hear from you beyond our meetings?
    • Usually at the agreed review time unless something out of the ordinary requires attention
    • You can always contact me if something unexpected crops up and you want to discuss it.

Common Questions clients ask about Virtual Financial Planning

​At the end of the day whether working with an advisor in-person or virtually, your objective should be the same.

You are looking for a financial professional in whom you have a sense of confidence and who has the professional training and background to help you achieve your Financial Planning goals.