The Benefits of Virtual Financial Planning

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Save Time

How does working with a virtual financial advisor save you time with Financial Planning?

Being virtual means you do not have to drive to our office. You can meet with us on your lunch break at work, from your couch at home or on even while you are on vacation. As long as you have a device and the internet, we can meet.

It gives you the ability to work with an advisor from wherever you or they are located

Save Money

How does working with a virtual financial advisor save you money?

You don’t have to take time off work or hire a babysitter to meet with us since we do not hold strict 9-5 office hours. Meet us when it is convenient for you, from wherever you are, and save on time, petrol and parking costs.

No need to spend the time to travel to an advisor’s office for a Financial Planning meeting. This can add an hour or more to the time you need to allot for a meeting with your advisor. If traveling to the advisor’s office entails dealing with a lot of traffic, this takes more time from your day and adds a degree of stress.

Better for the Environment

How does being a virtual financial planner impact the environment?

Since we don’t drive to an office every day, and our clients are not required to drive to see us, there are less cars on the road and less carbon dioxide being emitted. In addition, we don’t print lengthy Financial Planning plans for our clients. Whenever possible, we minimize our consumption of paper, ink, and other supplies.

You Can Live Anywhere

Does it matter where you live when you work with a virtual financial planner?

Many of our clients live interstate and work and travel overseas. We have been able to “move” with these clients and remain a constant in their lives.

Benefits Of Financial Planning

Technology provides investors and those seeking professional financial advice with new options. For those clients who wish to work remotely with a human advisor, technology has created the ability for financial advisors to work virtually with their clients, opening up new opportunities for both advisors and their clients.

Virtual Financial Planning has been gaining steadily in popularity since the start of Covid. You can still attend a meeting if you are isolating because it’s all remote from home. Many clients like the fact that they don’t have to travel to an office to meet with their advisor, that they can communicate with them over a variety of mediums and that it is not an issue to continue working with their advisor should they relocate to another part of the country.

With the world in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and most of us working from home, the prospect of working virtually with a financial advisor has become even more relevant.