Four steps to plan for a better retirement

Here is a practical approach to creating a retirement plan that will help enable financial peace of mind.

Many investors concentrate on building their nest egg during their working lives to pay or help pay for their retirement but fail to give enough attention to planning for a retirement that may last 25 years or longer.

Four steps to plan for a better retirement

A lack of retirement planning makes retirees more financially vulnerable than necessary in numerous ways including the possibility of outliving your retirement savings, overreacting to market volatility, not planning for unexpected costs and holding a portfolio that isn’t properly diversified.

Some retirees who have not properly planned for retirement may have underestimated the amount required to finance their anticipated lifestyles, while others may be living too frugally given their financial needs.

By following a practical approach for creating a retirement plan that aligns with retirees’ often-unique goals while mitigating risk, retirees may gain greater confidence that savings will match with your future financial needs.

Step 1: Determine your retirement goals

These goals typically include having enough income to pay for basic living expenses, a contingency reserve (such as for medical treatment, home repairs and aged care) and discretionary spending (such as eating out and holidays). And you may plan to leave an inheritance. Once your goals are listed, you can prioritise their importance.

Step 2. Understand your risks

These include market risk, health risk, longevity and mortality risk, event risk (again such as medical treatment, home repairs and aged care), and tax and policy risk (changes to government policies and health care coverage). The research suggests that these risks should be addressed in the context of their impact on achieving their retirement goals.

Step 3: Assess your available financial resources

This will help ensure that your capital is used as efficiently as possible. Financial resources include super and non-super savings, age pension if eligible, annuities, insurance, housing wealth, insurance, and any additional income if planning to work in retirement.

Step 4: Develop a plan to achieve your goals and mitigate your risks

This is a matter of bringing together the various elements of your retirement planning. The right mix of resources should be tailored to your individual circumstances. It should take into account the relative importance of competing goals and the risks that a retiree may be susceptible or sensitive to.

The ultimate retirement goal

In the end, peace of mind may be the ultimate retirement goal bearing in mind this phase of life may represent at least a quarter of our lives.

If you’d like to start planning for your retirement, contact us today on 03 9553 0271.

Source: Vanguard

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Authorised Representative 298494
Interprac Financial Planning Pty Ltd 

Darryl Jopling

Senior Adviser

I have worked in the financial services industry since 1982 and as a Financial Adviser since 1999.

I have worked for large Financial Planning businesses, Membership based organisations and looked after the financial planning needs of clients within an Accounting Practice before starting my own business.

I am married, have 4 older children and a grandson and I am keen golfer with mixed results like many .

I have been through many of the strategies I talk with clients about myself and with my family.

I have been through the journey of seeing my parents move into Aged care and negotiated the difficulties and pitfalls of understanding the system for them and this gives me an excellent insight into what is required to assist families at this difficult time.

In a previous roll I used to run retirement seminars looking at Centrelink and Retirement Incomes and how to make these work for you. I have helped many of my clients with Aged Care advice when their parents needed to move into Nursing Homes. For many clients I assist them with superannuation, building wealth and protecting their loved ones with insurance.

I am supported by his, Licensee, Interprac Financial Planning’s in-house resources and ongoing technical, systems and training.

I am committed to understanding your needs and identifying strategies and products to help you achieve your goals.

My guiding principle as an Adviser is to design plans which help to provide my clients with clarity of purpose and the opportunity to build a solid financial foundation.
I will take the time to listen, explain things clearly and keep you informed throughout the advice process.

My experience is complemented by professional qualifications including:

  • Certified Financial PlannerTM Professional
  • Diploma of Financial Planning

At Choice Financial Advice we work with you along the way on life’s journey.

Whether you are getting married, starting a family, embarking on the trip of a lifetime, planning to enjoy your years after work or assisting elderly parents with Aged Care and Nursing Home placements, we can help.