Buying a tenanted investment property

Buying a tenanted investment property

Purchasing an investment property that already has a tenant means you collect rent from day one, with no vacant period and no lease fees to find a new tenant. The lease just carries on as it did before you purchased the property. There are plenty of upsides to buying an investment property that already has a … Read more

A retirement plan built to last

A retirement plan built to last

Staying the course, and not being distracted by short-term market events, is just as important in retirement as it is at any other time. Retiring from work shouldn’t necessarily equate to retiring from managing your investment portfolio. In fact, taking an active role in your investments during retirement will ensure you have the best chance … Read more

Your investing style – as unique as you

Your investing style as unique as you

With interest rates increasing after a lengthy period of historical lows, it’s a good time to think about how your money is working for you and whether your investing style and strategy is still in line with your goals. Higher interest rates don’t just send a ripple through the economy, aside from the obvious impact … Read more

Guide to aged care at home

Guide to aged care at home

As we get older, most of us want to remain independent and in our own home for as long as possible, but this can be challenging without some help with household tasks and personal care. Recognising this, the government runs a Home Care Packages program where approved aged care service providers work with individuals to … Read more

How to stick to your budget

How to stick to your budget

Budgeting for a holiday or saving for a deposit? Even the best budget can unravel if the right tools are not in place. In this article, we look beyond the basics and focus more on what it takes to stick to your budget. Here are five tips to help you stick to your budget. 1. … Read more

Six steps to get ready to invest

Planning is the key to successful investing. Creating a plan will help you find investments that fit your investing time frame and risk tolerance, to help you reach your financial goals sooner. 1. Review your finances Before you invest, review your financial situation. Write down what you owe (your debts) and what you own (your … Read more

Achieving harmony when you buy together

Achieving harmony when you buy together

Mustering a deposit to buy property can be an intimidating exercise and joining forces with a partner, family, or friends could make it a lot more accessible than flying solo. However, it’s a big financial commitment which has the potential to cause tension or even conflict if not carefully handled. One of the most important … Read more

Salary sacrificing super

Salary sacrificing super

Salary sacrifice is an arrangement with your employer to forego part of your salary or wages in return for your employer providing benefits of a similar value. One example of a salary sacrifice arrangement is to have some of your salary or wages paid into your super fund instead of to you. If your employer … Read more

How to turbocharge your investment returns

How to turbocharge your investment returns

If you’d invested $10,000 into the whole Australian share market back in 2002, your initial investment amount would have grown to almost $50,000 by 30 June 2022. It’s a huge gain. Around 385 per cent to be precise. And, to achieve it, all that you would have needed to do is reinvest all the Australian … Read more

Six simple ways to protect your passwords

You use passwords to access your bank accounts, social media, email and more every day. Passwords are the keys to our online identity. That’s why protecting them is so important. Creating a strong password is the first step to protecting yourself online. This helps reduce the risk of unauthorised access by those willing to put … Read more

How much money do I need to retire?

How much money do I need to retire

When I retire, will I have enough money to enjoy the retirement lifestyle I envision? It’s a question many of us will need to ponder at one point. It’s a question most of us will need to ponder at some stage in our lives. When I retire, will I have enough money built up in … Read more

Investment scams

Investment scams

Be suspicious of anyone offering you easy money. Scammers are skilled at convincing you that the investment is real, the returns are high and the risks are low. There’s always a catch. How investment scams work There are three main types of investment scams: The investment offer is completely fake. The investment exists, but the … Read more