Money saving tips

Money saving tips

Everyone saves money differently. From setting aside a portion of your pay, to choosing the right account, here are some tips on how to be a better saver and reach your financial goals. Have a savings goal and budget It’s much easier to be a good saver if you have a goal in mind. It … Read more

Preparing for the next chapter

Retirement means starting a new chapter of your life, one that gives you the freedom to create your own story, as you decide exactly how you want to spend your time. While retirement may not be part of your immediate plans, there are advantages to giving some thought as to what retirement looks like for … Read more

The advantages of investing early

The advantages of investing early

You may have heard it said, “No risk, no reward.” But did you know that time can actually decrease your risk while increasing your reward?  Investing: Risky business? When some people think of investing, they focus on the potential for great rewards—the possibility of picking a winning share that will increase in value over time. … Read more

Fighting inflation at the checkout

Fighting inflation at the checkout

With the price of iceberg lettuce peaking at an insane $12, and inflation not letting up any time soon, it’s a good time to review what you can do to reduce your food spend. If you’ve been wincing at the total on the register at the check-out recently, you’re not alone. Food prices have spiralled … Read more

Is your loyalty affecting your loan?

Is your loyalty affecting your loan

With consecutive rate rises throughout 2022 and talk of more to come, many Australians have been looking at their home loans more closely. Yet one thing that may have gone unnoticed is a loyalty tax and whether you are paying one. What is a loyalty tax? A tax for being loyal? It doesn’t seem fair, … Read more

Measuring up the price of shares

Measuring up the price of shares

Share market investment analysts thrive on numbers. So, when you read reports about markets or specific companies being “overvalued” or “undervalued”, you can generally assume there’s been a fair bit of analytical number crunching going on behind the scenes. But how do investment analysts reach their conclusions? Is there a magic formula available that you … Read more

Three tips for building a good portfolio

Three tips for building a good portfolio

Be deliberate The first step to building a sound investment portfolio is to know why you’re investing. Setting measurable investment goals gives investors clarity and direction, and prevents them from falling into common investment traps like chasing unrealistic market returns or being overly influenced by transitory factors like product fads or short term performance. Before … Read more

Do you run part or all of your business from home?

Do you run part or all of your business from home

If you’re a sole trader or in a partnership, you may be able to claim the business-use portion of running expenses (the costs incurred using your home’s facilities) and occupancy expenses (what you pay to own or rent your home). For example, Georgia is a sole trader and runs a hairdressing business from her granny … Read more

Inflation – what to know and what to do

Inflation what to know and what to do

Rising inflation brings about concern for many, but Vanguard’s time-tested investment philosophy—and a long-term focus—can help any investor navigate choppy waters. What is inflation? Inflation happens when prices rise and purchasing power decreases. This can be the result of a simultaneous high demand for and low supply of goods and services. Consumers have money and … Read more

Saving for education

Saving for education

Education is the gift that keeps on giving. If you are considering a private school this article is for you as we discuss how to save for your child’s education. Education is the gift that parents can give their children that keeps on giving. But if you are considering private schools it is a gift … Read more

How much super do I need to retire?

How much super do I need to retire

Working out how much you need to save for retirement is a question that keeps many pre-retirees awake at night. Recent market volatility and fluctuating superannuation balances have only added to the uncertainty. So it’s timely that new research shows you may need less than you fear. For most people, it will certainly be less … Read more

Strategies for long-term investing

Strategies for long term investing

Given the inherent volatility of security prices in capital markets, it is useful to remind ourselves of strategies that investors can utilise to meet their investment goals. This is important when constructing and positioning a diversified portfolio of assets, a challenge that most financial advisers face daily. Reminding ourselves of the fundamentals of portfolio construction … Read more