Banking and credit scams

Banking and credit scams

If someone you don’t know asks for your personal details or offers you a loan, it could be a scam. Scammers can use your personal information to steal your money and run up debts in your name. If someone contacts you about an investment that you think could be a scam, see investment scams. If you … Read more

How is my insurance taxed?

With the cost of living on the rise, it’s more important than ever to have a financial safety net that protects you and your family in case the unexpected happens. Most Australian employees have some form of life insurance, often through their superannuation fund, but many of us tend to ‘set and forget’. To make … Read more

Volatility is here to stay

Volatility is here to stay

Volatility is part and parcel of investing so it’s important to put it into perspective and look at the full picture when thinking about your wealth, rather than focus on day-to-day market swings. If there was to be a single investing lesson that emerged from the events of the last two years, it is that … Read more

11 tips for reducing costs in small business

11 tips for reducing costs in small business

Small businesses across the country will be looking for ways to reduce costs amid cost of living and rising price pressures. Economic challenges are expected to continue into the 2024 financial year, from inflation and supply chain lags to higher interest rates and reduced consumer spending. Businesses will need to keep a close eye on … Read more

Flexing your financial fitness

It’s a challenging time for household finances right now. Interest rates are rising as the Reserve Bank of Australia increases the cash rate to put the brakes on inflation, and flat wage growth means household incomes have not been keeping pace with cost-of-living increases. The best way to deal with uncertain times, is to be … Read more

Risks to consider when building a portfolio

Risks to consider when building a portfolio

An understanding of the risk and return characteristics of various asset classes is vital to the portfolio construction process. When constructing a portfolio, having an asset allocation that encompasses a wide range of different investments is an important factor for long-term investment success. But as the number of investment products and variations available to investors … Read more

What is my credit score and how do I manage it?

What is my credit score and how do I manage it

If you are looking to buy property in the near future there are a lot of numbers you’ll be keeping track of – how much deposit you are saving for, how much you can borrow, how much to allow for closing costs, a figure for your total overall budget, as well as how much your … Read more

Getting the balance right in decision making

Getting the balance right in decision making

We all approach decision making in our own way, making a multitude of decisions every day: ‘Should I hit snooze again on the alarm?,’ ‘Do I take the train to work, or do I drive,’ ‘What should we have for dinner?’ In fact, researchers estimate that the average adult makes 35,000 decisions every day.i While … Read more

Finding a good balance

Finding a good balance

In the same way finding a balanced lifestyle is conducive to good health, finding balance in an investment portfolio gives investors the healthiest chance of achieving their long-term goals. Having a diversified mix of assets is essential because it mitigates market volatility and reduces portfolio risk. This is because the best performing asset one year … Read more

Five ingredients of a great super fund

5 ingredients of a great super fund

If you stay with the default super fund provided by your employer there’s a chance you’ll miss out on thousands in super.  It makes sense to take a close look at your current super fund and consider whether your money could be working harder elsewhere. If you still have many years to go until you … Read more

The challenges of market timing

The challenges of market timing

When markets fall, it’s natural to want to take action to prevent further losses. Doing so however can do more harm than good. Here’s why timing the market to buy low and sell high is not as easy as it sounds. If you’re invested in the financial markets and also keeping up with the news, … Read more