Bridging loans: should you buy or sell first?

Bridging loans should you buy or sell first

What is a bridging loan? A bridging loan, or bridging finance, is a short-term loan that can help you finance the purchase of a new property while you sell your current property. Most people sell their old home first, and then buy their new home with the available equity. But there are times when buying … Read more

Think you’ll never fall for a scam? Think again!

Think youll never fall for a scam Think again

It’s no secret that scammers are getting more sophisticated. As this is an ever-evolving space, scammers are constantly developing new ways to part you with your hard-earned cash – and they cast their net wide.  While it’s easy to think “it will never happen to me”, people who never expected to be victims of scams … Read more

How to get super ready for EOFY

How to get super ready for EOFY

Superannuation has dominated recent headlines, with proposed changes announced by Treasurer Jim Chalmers. While the details of these changes still need to be released, it’s worthwhile turning our focus to superannuation balances as we approach the end of financial year. There are lots of different ways to top up your super, but if you want … Read more

8 retirement mistakes and how to avoid them

8 retirement mistakes and how to avoid them

Retirement is a phase of life most of us look forward to. It’s a chance to pursue other interests, travel and maybe do some part-time work or volunteering. Thanks to more than 30 years of compulsory superannuation, we are retiring with more savings than previous generations but that also brings its challenges. According to the … Read more

How Can I Apply for a Higher Level Home Care Package?

How can I apply for a higher level Home Care package

As we age, we may require additional support to maintain our independence and quality of life. For many seniors, this can involve accessing home care services that help with daily tasks like cooking, cleaning, and personal care. One way to access more comprehensive home care services is by applying for a higher level home care … Read more

Investing on the share market: Passive or active?

Investing on the share market passive or active

Index funds continue to outperform the majority of active managers over time, but a blend of passive and active funds can be a powerful combination. The Australian share market ended 2022 lower than where it started the year, and in between it was a bumpy ride for investors. Over 251 trading days, the S&P/ASX 200 … Read more

Stepped vs level premiums: which is best?

Stepped vs level premiums which is best

These days, most people hold some form of life insurance in their super account. While this is a welcome safety net, the level of cover held this way is often inadequate. A Rice Warner study back in 2020 found that life cover within superannuation only met about 65-70 per cent of actual need.i With the … Read more

Devil in the detail on super changes

Devil in the detail on super changes

Proposed changes to superannuation have the potential to reshape the retirement landscape. The objective of super remains the missing ingredient in the mix. At its most fundamental, successful investing is about getting the balance right between risk and reward. Some risks are front and centre; they are in your face (or at least on your … Read more


Cryptocurrencies The risks of investing in crypto

Crypto-assets (crypto) mean digital assets including cryptocurrencies, coins or tokens. They digitally represent your ownership of a value or rights to something. They may or may not be backed by physical assets. Crypto is a high-risk investment. The value of crypto is very volatile, often fluctuating by huge amounts within a short period. More than … Read more

The looming fixed-rate cliff

The looming fixed rate cliff

The Reserve Bank has expressed concerns over how some borrowers on low fixed-rate mortgages will cope once their loan expires. Incremental home loan interest rate hikes have been eating into the household budgets of millions of Australians ever since the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) began lifting its official cash rate in May 2022. This … Read more

How to plan a gap year for grown ups

How to plan a gap year for grown ups

It’s not just school leavers who dream of a gap year. Those of us who’ve been working for a decade or two (or more) may also long for a real break from career and commitments. An adult gap year is a chance to reset and to take stock of what’s important to you. There‘s the … Read more

Look beyond the latest dividend returns

Look beyond the latest dividend returns

The latest earning season proves that company dividend payouts are choppy. Casting your net wider will help capture broader income returns. If you own shares in one or more listed Australian companies, you may have been keeping an eye on the latest round of corporate earnings announcements. Earnings season is the equivalent of “peak hour” … Read more