Buying a house

Buying a house

Buying a house is an exciting time. These steps will smooth your way through the house buying process. 1. Save for a house deposit The first step is to get your finances sorted. Do a budget to identify how much you can afford to save for your deposit. Next, do some house price research. Getting a general … Read more

Australians need a retirement confidence boost

Australians need a retirement confidence boost

Giving Australians better access to high-quality and more affordable financial advice is imperative. One of the fundamental principles for achieving long-term investment success is planning. In fact, the importance of having a clear financial plan, whether it’s formal or informal, can’t be overstated. As is the importance of sticking to it. Without a well-documented, detailed … Read more

Hedge funds

Hedge funds use investment strategies that are more complex than other managed funds. Many aim for positive or less volatile returns, in both rising and falling markets. A hedge fund is a complex investment and risks vary. Read the product disclosure statement and consider getting financial advice before you invest. How hedge funds work Hedge … Read more

Use your super to save for your first home

Use your super to save for your first home

Use the new First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSS) to save your first home deposit faster If you’re saving for a deposit on your first home, the Federal Government’s First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSS) could help you reach your target sooner, by allowing you to save for your deposit inside your super. A government initiative introduced in late … Read more

Why an emergency fund delivers peace of mind

Why an emergency fund delivers peace of mind

When life tosses up an unexpected event – such as retrenchment, a medical emergency or even just a big bill to fix the car – it can be nerve-wracking worrying about how to deal with the crisis. And, if funds are short, that just adds to the stress. But imagine that you have a secret … Read more

Adding bonds to your investment mix

Bonds can play an important role in investment portfolios, but what exactly are they, what are their benefits, and how do you invest in them?  What are bonds? Bonds are a type of investment security that enable investors to lend their money to a bond issuer for a set term in return for regular income … Read more

Getting the age pension (and your Seniors Card)

Getting the aged pension and your Seniors Card

You’re nearly there. After a lifetime of toil – of digging, building, thinking, manufacturing, planting, helping and nurturing – it’s time for you to enjoy your Golden Years. If you’re an Australian resident, you’re entitled to an age pension and a Seniors Card. Here’s what you need to do next. Age Pension Eligibility To claim … Read more

How to manage changing interest rates

How to manage changing interest rates

Rising interest rates Before 2022, few of us gave much thought to rising interest rates. After all, they’d been falling steadily for 14 years. That changed when the Reserve Bank began lifting the official cash rate to combat inflation. Now most of us are only too aware of how much interest rates can change and … Read more

How do interest rates affect your investments?

How do interest rates affect your investments

Interest rates are an important financial lever for world economies. They affect the cost of borrowing and the return on savings, and it makes them an integral part of the return on many investments. It can also affect the value of the currency, which has a further trickle-down effect on other investments. So, when rates … Read more

Budgeting tips

Budgeting tips

Good ways to budget In this article, we look beyond the basics and focus more on what it takes to stick to your budget. Here are five tips to help you stick to your budget. 1. Stocktake. Spending more than you earn? Subtract your total weekly expenses from your total weekly income. How’s it looking? … Read more

How much super you need

How much super you need

Take some of the guesswork out of planning for the future. Work out how much super you’ll have when you retire, and if it will be enough to fund the lifestyle you want. It’s never too soon to start planning for a better financial future. Estimate how much super you’ll have You probably know how … Read more

Banking on the Age Pension

Banking on the Age Pension

The ranks of Australians receiving the Age Pension are increasing. It’s important to understand who is eligible and its role in retirement planning. Just days before the 2023 Federal Budget was handed down on 9 May, the Australian Bureau of Statistics released a new report including data on the number of Australians receiving the Age … Read more