Buying shares for kids: a gift that keeps on giving

Buying shares for kids a gift that keeps on giving

Many parents and grandparents worry about how to help the children in their lives achieve financial independence. But the value of long-term investment can seem like a dry and complicated idea for kids to get their heads around. In fact, many young people would like to know more about money, according to a Young People … Read more

Being wary of scams and sharing your personal information

Being wary of scams and sharing your personal information

Key Points: Never use the same password or variations of the same password, utilise different numbers and letters with a mixture of capital and lower case letters Online quizzes may be fun but usually there is a catch, and that catch can be your personal data Scammers either attempt to build rapport with their targets … Read more

What happens when your fixed rate term ends

Fixed rate terms last for a set period of time that is prearranged between you and your lender. Fixed rate periods last between one and five years. When your fixed rate term ends, your loan will usually revert automatically to the standard variable interest rate unless you have provided instructions to refix your loan. As … Read more

8 pearls of wisdom for investors

8 pearls of wisdom for investors

There’s a lot of investment guidance out there. Too much can be overwhelming. So, how can you cut through the noise and find what you need? To help you out, we’ve put together a cut out and keep 8-step guide to successful investing. The list includes tips on how to manage your portfolio effectively – … Read more

Guide to concession cards for seniors

Guide to concession cards for seniors

The excitement of heading towards retirement and a new stage of life can be tinged with concern over how to manage finances. For many people, seniors’ concession cards are a good way to help make ends meet. While discounts on goods and services are always welcome, they’re even more valued right now as living costs … Read more

How much should I be saving?

How much should I be saving

Saving regularly is a habit that needs to be cultivated and as with most things in life, starting sooner rather than later often gives investors a huge advantage. When it comes to the topic of spending and saving, it seems like there are countless ways of doing it. A quick internet search throws up guidelines … Read more

6 tips for the young investor in today’s markets

6 tips for the young investor in todays markets

How much money you’re able to invest each year is one of the biggest factors in achieving your financial goals. And the longer you’re invested, the more time your money has to compound and grow. Inflation is up and markets are down. What does this mean for you? Entering the world of investing can be intimidating, … Read more

Reduce your interest rate with one phone call?

Reduce your interest rate with one phone call

With official interest rates on the move, shrewd mortgage holders may take the opportunity to call their lender to ask for a better deal. But when even a small interest rate reduction means potential savings of thousands of dollars, is a simple phone call really enough to get you there? While a number of lenders … Read more

Super for self-employed people

Super for self employed people

You don’t have to pay yourself super, but when you retire, you might be glad you did. You can make regular or lump sum payments, can usually claim a tax deduction on contributions, and may be able to save tax. Why pay yourself super There are advantages to contributing to super, depending on the type of … Read more

Why many investors have become more responsible

Why many investors have become more responsible

What exactly does responsible investment mean? Is there trade-off between ESG considerations (investing responsibly) and investment returns? Read on to find out more. A growing number of Australian investors are taking a responsible approach to their investing, quite possibly without even realising they’re doing so. That’s the reality of a rapidly evolving global investment universe, … Read more

Profits not matching your cash flow? Here’s 8 reasons why

Profits not matching your cash flow Heres 8 reasons why

It’s common for business owners to get frustrated that their bank account doesn’t seem to reflect their profits. It’s essential that you understand the difference between profit and cash, and why a high profit doesn’t necessarily result in more cash in your bank account, writes Brad Turville, director and business advisor at BJT Financial. A profitable … Read more