Start your life together on the right financial foot

Getting married

Before you say ‘I do’, talk about your finances with your partner. Not getting married, but in a relationship? See relationships and money for useful tips. Manage the wedding whirlwind The average Australian wedding costs $36,000. According to a Moneysmart survey, 82% of couples dipped into their savings to pay for their wedding. Another 60% got a … Read more

How your super or non-super income stream is taxed

How your super or non

How much tax you pay on retirement income depends on your age and the type of income stream. For most people, an income stream from superannuation will be tax-free from age 60. How super income streams are taxed Types of super income streams Income from super can be an: account-based pension — a series of regular … Read more

The trouble with intuition when investing

The trouble with intuition when investing

Knowing how your mind works can help you avoid the more obvious traps many investors fall into. Cognitive bias has become a bit of an investing buzz phrase in recent years. The theory is that the human brain predictably makes errors of judgment that can lead us to be emotional, short term and come to … Read more

Five things first home buyers need to know

Five things first home buyers need to know

Before you decide to purchase your first property there are a number of things to consider, including your current personal circumstances and financial status. 1. Think about why you want to buy a home Do you want to live in it or will it be an investment property? This can help determine the kind of … Read more

Are you an impulsive spender?

Are you an impulsive spender

Characteristics of impulsive spenders A ‘money mindset’ is a way of thinking about personal finance. Your money mindset can change over time, and it may help explain your spending and savings habits. Understanding this can help you build habits and strategies to better manage your money. If the following applies to you, you might be … Read more

Why asset allocation is key to investment success

Why asset allocation is key to investment success

Asset allocation is the biggest determinant of investment returns. Here’s why taking the time to get it right matters. Choosing investments on a whim based on current market conditions is unlikely to be a winning strategy in the long-run. What should come first, and what is perhaps fundamentally more important than picking the right investments, … Read more

The influence of emotion on our finances

The influence of emotion on our finances

We’ve all heard of the dangers of emotional spending but what about emotional saving? Emotions can wield a powerful influence on our personal finances in a positive way, but they can also have a negative impact on where we sit financially. The good news is, by cultivating a bit of self-awareness you can harness your … Read more

How to rebalance your investment portfolio

How to rebalance your investment portfolio

How can investors rebalance their portfolio and how often should they do it? Read more to find out. The target mix of your investment portfolio should be built on your goals, time horizon and risk tolerance. But goals can change, and market fluctuations can cause your asset allocation to shift, so it’s important to monitor your portfolio … Read more

A Will to give

A Will to give

As baby boomers shift into retirement, Australia is on the brink of the nation’s biggest ever intergenerational wealth transfer. Yet estate or inheritance planning is rarely discussed by families. Talking openly about how you want your assets to be passed on can help avoid family disputes that take a toll both financially and emotionally. It … Read more

Beware of the Granny Flat traps

Beware of the Granny Flat traps

Setting the scene Marilyn is 67 and has had enough of work. She has worked hard and raised two children on her own and she’s ready for some “me time”. Her children are now adults and live at opposite ends of Australia to her. Marilyn has sold her (big) home and has moved north to … Read more

The cash rate – and how it impacts your home loan

The cash rate and how it impacts your home loan

With the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) raising the cash rate back in May for the first time since November 2010 – and more rises forecast over the next year – many people are worried about their mortgage repayments. Even though we hear about the cash rate a lot in the news, there is often … Read more

Size up your super

Size up your super

You’ll have heard the old, almost grandmotherly adage that ‘every dollar counts’. But guess what – it’s true. Voluntary after tax super contributions (also called non-concessional contributions), refer to any payments you make to your super fund out of your take-home pay. Making after-tax super contributions is an easy way to boost your retirement savings … Read more