Should I refinance my mortgage?

Should I refinance my mortgage

In the past, most people who took out a mortgage doggedly continued with it until they had paid it off. These days, people refinance their mortgage much more frequently. Here we look at some of the reasons people in Australia refinance their home loan. To get a lower rate The most common reason for people … Read more

Wills and powers of attorney

Wills and powers of attorney

A good estate plan will help make sure your wishes are carried out when you die. It can also help if you become unable to make your own decisions. Estate plans An estate plan records what you want done with your assets after your death. It can include documents such as: your will a testamentary … Read more

Understanding capital gains tax

A capital gain or loss is the difference between what you paid for an asset and what you sold it for. This takes into account any incidental costs on the purchase and sale. So, if you sell an asset for more than you paid for it, that’s a capital gain. And if you sell it … Read more

Tips to avoid investing badly

Tips to avoid investing badly

While it’s difficult to be the best investor in the world, we can all actively avoid being a ‘bad investor’ by learning from history and staying the course.  Extended periods of market volatility regularly spark discussions around great investors and the traits that qualify folks to be included in that category. This is probably because, … Read more

Three smart ways to indulge in some financial self-care

Three smart ways to indulge in some financial self care

While you may be putting more focus into self-care pursuits that boost your physical and mental health, have you thought about a little self-care for your finances? Financial educator, Melissa Browne, shares her three top tips to boost your financial wellness. The global wellness economy is worth a whopping $4.4 trillion, which means you’re probably … Read more

Buying a tenanted investment property

Buying a tenanted investment property

Purchasing an investment property that already has a tenant means you collect rent from day one, with no vacant period and no lease fees to find a new tenant. The lease just carries on as it did before you purchased the property. There are plenty of upsides to buying an investment property that already has a … Read more

A retirement plan built to last

A retirement plan built to last

Staying the course, and not being distracted by short-term market events, is just as important in retirement as it is at any other time. Retiring from work shouldn’t necessarily equate to retiring from managing your investment portfolio. In fact, taking an active role in your investments during retirement will ensure you have the best chance … Read more

Your investing style – as unique as you

Your investing style as unique as you

With interest rates increasing after a lengthy period of historical lows, it’s a good time to think about how your money is working for you and whether your investing style and strategy is still in line with your goals. Higher interest rates don’t just send a ripple through the economy, aside from the obvious impact … Read more

Guide to aged care at home

Guide to aged care at home

As we get older, most of us want to remain independent and in our own home for as long as possible, but this can be challenging without some help with household tasks and personal care. Recognising this, the government runs a Home Care Packages program where approved aged care service providers work with individuals to … Read more

How to stick to your budget

How to stick to your budget

Budgeting for a holiday or saving for a deposit? Even the best budget can unravel if the right tools are not in place. In this article, we look beyond the basics and focus more on what it takes to stick to your budget. Here are five tips to help you stick to your budget. 1. … Read more

Six steps to get ready to invest

Planning is the key to successful investing. Creating a plan will help you find investments that fit your investing time frame and risk tolerance, to help you reach your financial goals sooner. 1. Review your finances Before you invest, review your financial situation. Write down what you owe (your debts) and what you own (your … Read more