Getting your bounce back

Life is pretty frantic, and it is common to feel like it’s a struggle to keep up the pace. In fact, feeling exhausted is so common that it has its own acronym, TATT, which stands for “tired all the time”.

While it’s somewhat comforting to know you’re not alone, it’s certainly not a nice feeling, so let’s look at some of the best ways to get some bounce back into your step.

Getting your bounce back

Watch what you take on

One of the first and most obvious things is to look at your busy lifestyle and see if something has to give.

Don’t be afraid to decline invitations if you are feeling overcommitted, in particular say no to the things that are a drain on you physically or emotionally. No one can be busy 100% of the time and it’s important to ensure you have a little downtime to just do sweet nothing – even if you need to schedule it into your calendar!

As you manage your time think about what is most important to you and prioritise things that make you happy and give you energy.

Catching some zzzz’s

Of course, the most powerful downtime, is getting a good night’s sleep. If you are not a great sleeper making some small tweaks to your evening routine can help. Anything you can do to wind down, be it having a hot bath or reading a book, is great for getting in the right zone for a restful night’s sleep.

Avoiding screen time for an hour or two before bed is beneficial as the blue light from laptops and phones is known to trick your brain into thinking it’s still daytime. This reduces hormones like melatonin, which help you relax and get deep sleep.

And while caffeine may be your friend if you are feeling a little lacklustre, it’s not ideal to have caffeine after 3-4pm if you want to have a good night’s sleep.

Stress less to recharge your batteries

Winding down can be easier said than done, however – often we don’t even realise how stressed we are until it gets to a point where it creates a problem for us.

Being in a constantly anxious state is draining. Our body is sending messages to put us on high alert – the fight or flight response – which is fine for short periods of time, but when it’s constant our batteries get drained pretty quickly.

Simple practices like deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation can be very effective in reducing stress and improving energy and don’t have to take a lot of time or effort.

The right fuel for sustained energy

No amount of relaxation or rest is going to help, if we are not giving our bodies the best fuel for energy. We can’t expect to perform at our peak if we are running on fumes, which is where a balanced diet and hydration are key. Sugar in particular, is a culprit in giving you a burst of energy and then a crash, so instead of reaching for that chocolate bar mid-afternoon, try a handful of nuts or a banana for an energy boost.

Another easy tweak is to make sure you are drinking enough water. Just putting a jug in easy reach on your desk can be enough to have you humming along through the day.

Get your body moving for an energy boost

The last thing you probably feel like doing if you feel exhausted is to pop on your running shoes or go out for a brisk walk, but getting your blood pumping and your heart beating fast is a great way to shake off the cobwebs and boost your energy. It’s important to listen to your body and pace yourself but expanding energy is a great way to create more energy!

Life is to be lived and making some tweaks to your lifestyle and routine might just help you get that boost you need to enjoy life to the fullest.

Note: It’s important to also consider that chronic tiredness can have a medical cause, so be sure and see your doctor if you have any concerns about your overall health.

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Authorised Representative 298494
Interprac Financial Planning Pty Ltd 

Darryl Jopling

Senior Adviser

I have worked in the financial services industry since 1982 and as a Financial Adviser since 1999.

I have worked for large Financial Planning businesses, Membership based organisations and looked after the financial planning needs of clients within an Accounting Practice before starting my own business.

I am married, have 4 older children and a grandson and I am keen golfer with mixed results like many .

I have been through many of the strategies I talk with clients about myself and with my family.

I have been through the journey of seeing my parents move into Aged care and negotiated the difficulties and pitfalls of understanding the system for them and this gives me an excellent insight into what is required to assist families at this difficult time.

In a previous roll I used to run retirement seminars looking at Centrelink and Retirement Incomes and how to make these work for you. I have helped many of my clients with Aged Care advice when their parents needed to move into Nursing Homes. For many clients I assist them with superannuation, building wealth and protecting their loved ones with insurance.

I am supported by his, Licensee, Interprac Financial Planning’s in-house resources and ongoing technical, systems and training.

I am committed to understanding your needs and identifying strategies and products to help you achieve your goals.

My guiding principle as an Adviser is to design plans which help to provide my clients with clarity of purpose and the opportunity to build a solid financial foundation.
I will take the time to listen, explain things clearly and keep you informed throughout the advice process.

My experience is complemented by professional qualifications including:

  • Certified Financial PlannerTM Professional
  • Diploma of Financial Planning

At Choice Financial Advice we work with you along the way on life’s journey.

Whether you are getting married, starting a family, embarking on the trip of a lifetime, planning to enjoy your years after work or assisting elderly parents with Aged Care and Nursing Home placements, we can help.